You are here: Home > Holidays & Celebrations > Hanukkah > Toys, Games & Crafts
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101+ Things to Do on Chanukah Bright yellow painted wooden dreidels with emoji faces! Bee Kind Character Balls: 4 colors; 4 sayings
Bee Kind Balls
Our Price: $0.95
Candle Box Holder Celebrating with Jewish Crafts HB Chanukah Activity Book PB
Chanukah Activity Book PB
List Price: $9.95
Our Price: $9.95
Chanukah Activity Kit Chanukah Fun Candle Finger Puppets Chanukah Dominoes
Chanukah Activity Kit
Our Price: $8.99
Chanukah Candle Finger Puppets
Our Price: $11.99
Sale Price: $9.59
You save $2.40!
Chanukah Dominoes
Our Price: $8.99
Hanukah Hearts Card Game Chanukah Memory Card Game Chanukah Menorah Rubber Stamp
Chanukah Hearts Card Game
List Price: $2.95
Our Price: $2.95
Menorah Sand Art Kit Chanukah Sticker Box Climb and Slide: A Chanukah Racing Game
Color Your Own Chanukah Banner Kit Chanukah Beeswax Candle Kit with materials for 44 candles Create Your Own Chanukah Card
Create your own Chanukah Beeswax Candles- 44 Candles
Our Price: $16.99
Sale Price: $13.59
You save $3.40!
Chanukah Banner Craft Create-A-Dreidel Deluxe Plush Chanukah Set
Our Price: $3.95
Deluxe Plush Hanukkah Set
List Price: $23.99
Our Price: $23.99
Design a Dreidel Kit Dinosaur Stamp Set for Dino-mite Projects Dinosaur Stamp Set
Design a Dreidel Kit
Our Price: $4.50
Dinosaur Stamp Set
Our Price: $9.99
Dinosaur Stamp Set

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Draydel Game Board for a Perfect Game! Draydel (Dreidel) Shaped Playing Cards Dreidel Silicone Cupcake Pan
Draydel Game Board
Our Price: $3.99
Draydel Shaped Playing Cards
Our Price: $7.99
Sale Price: $7.20
You save $0.79!
Dreidel Keychain Craft Dreidel Necklace Craft Dreidel Cookie Cutters
Dreidel Keychain Craft
Our Price: $0.55
Dreidel Necklace - Craft
List Price: $3.59
Our Price: $3.59
Sale Price: $2.39
You save $1.20!
Dreidel Roulette, a wooden game of chance and challenge Dreidel Sand Art Kit Dreidel Stickers - Jewish Sticker Fun
Dreidel Roulette Game
Our Price: $23.99
Dreidel Sand Art Kit - Dreidle
List Price: $1.95
Our Price: $1.95
Sale Price: $1.59
You save $0.36!
Hanukkah Helper Yellow Jammies Flower Menorah - Wood Craft Wood Jug Cut-Out
Elfit Jammies - Yellow
Our Price: $17.99
Chanukah Beanie  Balls Hanukkah Cookie Cutters Hanukah Go Fish Card Game
Hanukah Beanie Balls
Our Price: $0.99
Sale Price: $0.79
You save $0.20!
Hanukah Rubber Stamp Kit Hanukah Velvet Art Hanukkah Cake Pan
Hanukah Rubber Stamp Kit
List Price: $4.50
Our Price: $4.50
Hanukah Velvet Art
List Price: $2.95
Our Price: $3.49
Sale Price: $2.51
You save $0.44!
Hanukkah Cake Pan
Our Price: $18.95
Hanukah Card Games Hanukah Cling-ems Hanukkah Coloring Greeting Cards
Hanukkah Card Games - 3 Games in 1
List Price: $14.95
Our Price: $11.95
You save $3.00!
Hanukkah Cling-ems
List Price: $4.95
Our Price: $4.95
Sale Price: $3.09
You save $1.86!
Hanukah Foam Shapes Hanukah Wood Peg Puzzle Hanukkah Cookie Cutters
Hanukkah Foam Shapes
Our Price: $11.49
Hanukkah Peg Puzzle
List Price: $8.95
Our Price: $8.95
Chanukah Stickers Fun on a Roll Hanukkah: Ultimate Sticker Book  PB Happy Chanukah Window Gel Decoration
Hanukkah: Ultimate Sticker Book PB
List Price: $6.99
Our Price: $6.99
Sale Price: $5.24
You save $1.75!
Happy Inflatable Dreidel for Hanukkah fun! Jacob's Ladder Jewish Holidays Go Fish Card Game
Inflatable Dreidel
Our Price: $10.49
Jacob's Ladder
Our Price: $2.69
Jewish Holidays Go Fish Card Game

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Jug of Oil Menorah - Wood Craft Jumping Dreidel Ball Kosher by Design: Kids
Jug of Oil Menorah - Wood Craft
List Price: $5.99
Our Price: $5.99
Sale Price: $3.99
You save $2.00!
Jumping Dreidel Ball
Our Price: $3.49
Lamp Menorah - Wood Craft Light Up & Sing Dreidel with 2 songs! Maccabee Flying Monkey
Lamp Menorah - Wood Craft
List Price: $6.25
Our Price: $6.25
Sale Price: $4.29
You save $1.96!
Light Up & Sing Dreidel
Our Price: $2.99
Maccabee Flying Monkey
Our Price: $5.95
Maccabees Board Game Menorah Cut-Out - Wood Craft Chanukah Activity and Coloring Book
Maccabees Game
Our Price: $24.99
My Hanukkah Book/Questions, Answers, Activities PB Chanukah Coloring Book Plush Chanukah Set
My Hanukkah Book/Questions, Answers, Activities PB
List Price: $3.95
Our Price: $3.95
Sale Price: $2.96
You save $0.99!
My Happy Chanukah - Coloring Book
List Price: $2.50
Our Price: $2.50
My Soft Menorah
Our Price: $19.99
Paint Your Own Hanukkah Suncatcher Kit Paint Your Own Dreidel Paint Your Own Happy Dreidel Menorah Kit
Paint Your Own Dreidel
Our Price: $1.30
Musical Plush Dreidel Rainbow Whirly Tops Red Dreidel Blue Dreidel, a Color-Match Lotto Game
Plush Dreidel
Our Price: $9.95
Rainbow Whirly Tops
Our Price: $1.50
Simple Menorah - Wood Craft Small "Camo" Dreidels Small Natural Wooden Dreidels
Simple Menorah - Wood Craft
List Price: $3.99
Our Price: $3.99
Sale Price: $2.99
You save $1.00!
Small "Camo" Wood Dreidels
List Price: $4.69
Our Price: $4.69
Sale Price: $3.12
You save $1.57!
Small Painted Wood Chanukah Draydel, Assorted Colors Star Laser Disks Tell and Kvell, a game to connect family and friends through storytelling
Star Laser Disks
Our Price: $0.60
Tell n Kvell Game
Our Price: $22.00
Text Message Dreidels The Draydel Game- 5 Painted Wood Draydels- Assorted Designs Chanukah Go Fish
Text Message Dreidels
Our Price: $7.99
The Story of Chanukah Coloring Book Traffic Menorah - Wood Craft Translucent Plastic Dreidle - Assorted Colors
Traffic Menorah - Wood Craft
List Price: $7.95
Our Price: $7.95
Uncle Goose Happy Chanukah Blocks