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Aaronsohn's Maps ( Bargain Book)
Aaronsohn's Maps ( Bargain Book)
Our Price: $26.00

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Product Code: 9780151011698

Aaronsohn's Maps

The Untold Story of the Man who Might have Created Peace in the Middle East

by Patricia Goldstone

Scientist, diplomat, and spy, Aaron Aaronsohn was one of the most extraordinary figures in the early struggle to create a homeland for the Jews. Born to Jewish settlers in Palestine, he ran a spy network that enabled the British to capture Jerusalem during World War I and made him the rival of his contemporary, T. E. Lawrence—who may also have been his flamboyant sister Sarah’s lover. A rugged adventurer, Aaronsohn became convinced during his explorations of the Middle East that water would govern the region’s fate. He compiled both the area’s first detailed water maps and a plan for Palestine’s national borders that predicted and—in its insistence on partnership between Arabs and Jews—might have prevented the decades of conflict to come.

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